Thursday, September 30, 2021

Magic, Madness, & Sadness Part VII - My Own Private Waterdeep


Art credit: solstng

Why don’t you just put the whole WORLD in a BOTTLE, Superman?” - Lex Luther, Superman: Red Son

        No one wants to die. Spellcasters have managed to discover various means of rendering themselves immortal, known by ominous names such as Dreamers, Body Thieves, Conduits, Unmade, Beholders, or Fateless. By hook or crook these folk manage to duck the reaper’s scythe. The majority of these aspirants towards immortality fall along the way, but some persist and reach that elusive peak. Abjurers are the only ones who can reliably claim to do so for altruistic reasons. It is not enough to save them from madness.

        Who wouldn’t want to safeguard their loved ones? The allure of Abjuration is in many ways a more beneficent one than what most Magic-Users fall prey to. The school contains no grand invocations to rend one’s foes apart, spells to ensnare minds, or bend souls to their wills. While capable of attacks due to their limited capacity to learn spells from other schools, most Abjurers trust in their abilities to counter or outlast their opponents. Lionized by those they protect, Abjurers can often proudly wear the titles of Wardens or Stewards. Given they can act as one of the only reliable means of shielding others against harmful magic, most stewards quickly become indispensable to those in their charge, and are given nearly anything to keep them contented.

        It is a sad fact that nearly every Abjuration spell is written in the blood of someone who a warden failed to protect. While some are cynical, hardened, or fatalistic enough to accept these losses, others become haunted by them. These wardens often become paranoid, even controlling, as they search for possible threats against those they are safeguarding. This urge becomes overwhelming as the impossibility of their task begins clear. A steward, no matter how powerful, cannot be everywhere, and they are not omniscient. Many begin to claw desperately for solutions, such as the ways of the Cleric, but either through lack of devotion or zeal, that path fails to show them the right solutions. For this select group of wardens, the answer soon becomes clear: they must seal who they wish to protect away from the world. They have to craft a place that cannot be breached. They must become Keepers.

Time is dead and meaning has no meaning!” - Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls

        Abjuration is not usually the most common choice for specialist wizards. It lacks the raw destructive power of evocation, the edginess of necromancy, or the sheer utility of the illusion or transmutation schools. While relatively unsung in D&D, spells resembling abjuration magic are some of the most common in fiction and mythology. Counterspells, protective wards, the exorcising of spirits or demons, all fall within the purview of abjuration. The measures Keepers must take are on another level entirely.

        Bill Cipher is the overarching villain to Gravity Falls. A malevolent entity from the 2nd dimension, Bill had torn his way into the 3rd dimension a little over a thousand years before the events of the series, only to be sealed away by a group of Native American shaman. This was the status quo until Ford Pines released Bill first into his mindscape, and then eventually tried to bring the entity into reality itself. The ritual went terribly wrong, and Ford was lost to the world for three decades. Ford’s nephew Dipper finds one of his Great Uncle’s journals, and through the course of the series Dipper becomes a pawn and dupe for Cipher. This culminates with Bill breaking free into the real world. While pursuing Dipper and his sister Mabel, Cipher banishes Mabel into a Prison Bubble so he can torture Dipper in private. To our reckoning, it is as if Mabel has simply been magically snapped out of existence.

        The world inside the bubble is made explicitly to ensnare Mabel within perfection. Every whim she has is fulfilled instantly and her reality becomes a penitentiary with bars she crafted for herself. Mabel sees no reason to leave, even when her friends come to rescue her and make it clear how dire the situation outside the prison is. With everything she needs and wants, she can argue convincingly there’s no real reason for her to leave. So what if the situation outside is awful? Mabel can wish up ice cream just by thinking about it! Most of Mabel’s friends also quickly fall prey to the place, since the prison bubble adapts itself to their needs, ensnaring everyone but Dipper. His attempts to try and convince his twin that the prison is evil are stymied in real time by the appearance of a supportive doppelganger of himself to argue against him. Escaping is initially like trying to fight a friendly genie.

        All the sunshine, rainbows and safety disappears when the crew tries to escape their self-gilded cage. The imaginary residents of the bubble become hostile, aggressive, and actively terrifying. The inhabitants begin to hunt Mabel and her friends, eventually capturing them and putting them on trial. While they eventually break free, the message is clear: the bubble is only a place of joy as long as no one ever tries to rock the boat.

Magic does that. It wastes you away. Once it grips you by the ear, the real world gets quieter and quieter, until you can hardly hear it at all.” - Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless

        Of the immortals, keepers are the most likely to continue interacting with the world at large. Unlike other archmages, keepers generally maintain the high esteem they are held in by others, at least at first. The keeper’s charges vanish from the world, sometimes all at once, sometimes one by one as their “protector” spirits them off to their Domain. Many of these magi will go to extraordinary lengths to conceal these actions from others, often caving to their own paranoid imaginings to ensure the safety of those under their wards. A side effect of this is to conceal the keeper’s growing madness from their colleagues or foes, and often the first sign of something amiss is when the formerly sedate warden lashes out in a bout of arcane violence. The immortal’s erratic behavior then grows into systematic attacks upon anything they believe may act as a feasible threat to them in the future, and once they’ve accomplished their goal of neutering the opposition they retreat into the Domain they’ve been crafting this entire time.

        As they tread the road down into tyranny, particular spells in the Warden’s repertoire begin to act as signposts along the way; Pass Without Trace, Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum, Globe of Invulnerability, and Imprisonment. All are bent to their limits, and through repeatedly casting these particular spells on themselves and on a discrete area, they begin to permanently alter the connection the place has within the world. This starts off as a form of occultation and immunity from dimensional travel inside the locale, known most commonly as a Domain. Drawing upon decades of experience in their art, the Keeper then encodes mighty wards of obfuscation, binding and protection within the land itself, slowly pushing the boundaries outwards as their insight grows.

        Domains are essentially immune from outside incursions. They cannot be detected through the use of natural senses or magic, and even if one were to somehow find the place, it would be nearly impossible to enter or exit without the Keeper’s consent. Domains are really only limited by how much land a given keeper needs for their purposes. Some may only be a few miles across, while the largest can encompass a city-state. The residents of a domain are inmates as much as they are in it’s protection. While they are safe from the ravages of time and threats from the outside world, they are at the effective mercy of their keeper. Many keepers begin to see their charges as ingrates or lacking the maturity to understand why their guardian’s actions were necessary. Descending into loathing and resentment, most keepers eventually come to wonder why these people were so important to them in the first place.

Game Information

        The myriad spells of protection a keeper has encoded within their soul protects them from both age and any form of natural death or disease. Keepers also gain resistance to non-magical damage as long as they are aware the possibility of an attack exists.

        Through their prodigious command of Abjuration, Keepers can directly sacrifice prepared spell slots to prevent incoming damage to themselves or others. After witnessing a successful attack, and after damage has been calculated, the magus may spend a spell slot to negate the incoming damage as reflected on the table below. A magus may use this ability at any time, but may only do so as many times a round equal to their Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1).


Spell Level

Damage Prevented



















        In addition to their ability to directly reduce damage by spending spell slots, a keeper may attempt to counter any spell they can currently observe being cast by spending a spell slot of the spell’s level or greater. The caster of the spell must then succeed on a Concentration check or save vs. Magic (as appropriate to the system) or the spell fails. A keeper may use this ability at any time, but may only do so as many times a round equal to their Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1).

        Within their Domain, a keeper is able to control the flow of magic within the space to a fine enough to degree they are able to disrupt any spells which displease them. While inside the domain, spells from hostile sources can only be cast after a successful save vs Magic or Concentration check. This ability stacks with the Keeper’s ability to disrupt spells by sacrificing spell slots. Keepers are Immune to non-magical damage within their place of power. While time does pass within a Domain, anyone living within it does not age, nor can they be killed by non-magical disease. Divination magic cannot locate a Domain, and effects such as Summon Monster or Teleport automatically fail within their boundaries.

        Thanks for reading folks! I have only one entry left in this series, after I am finished I'm intending to show off a few new OSE classes I have been working on. 

All art is the property of it's respective owners, and will be taken down at their request.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Those Faiths Which Bind -- a Religion generator.

"Give me that old time religion,

Give me that old time religion,

Give me that old time religion,

It's good enough for me." - The Fisk Jubilee Singers

        In most D&D settings the existence of the divine is usually a given. While I can think of a few exceptions—namely Dragonlance and Dark Sun—the rule is generally that clerics derive their abilities from the patronage of a deity, or from some sort of philosophical path. Though clerics are a standby of modern fantasy fiction, the number of beliefs and the ways in which they are followed can be endless. While most settings are focused upon gods, there are numerous alternatives in the form of animism or more abstract paths to spiritual wellbeing. 

        As a brief aside, while this generator is fairly similar to my one focusing on Cults, I feel the distinction between the two is one of generalized acceptance by a society at large.

        To use this generator, simply roll 4d8 and then consult the relevant tables below. I have done my best to not hew too close to magical explanations.


What sort of faith do they hold to?


Monotheism. Only one god is thought to exist, all others are false.


Polytheism. Many gods, many temples. Worshippers flow freely from deity to deity, priests do not.


Henotheism. Many gods may exist, but the supreme god dwells above all others. Why worship a lesser power?


All is of one nature and substance. Any perceived divisions are merely illusions.


Atheism. The gods may exist, but their divinity is denied or their worthiness questioned.


A path of Enlightenment. Less of a traditional faith, this is a means to transcend the travails of daily life.


Animism and/or Ancestor worship. There are spirits everywhere. They dwell all around us, and we are merely a section of existence.


Syncretic. Roll twice after this result—the first roll represents what the religion is presented to outsiders as, the second roll is the truth to worshippers.


What is their church like?


Hostile to other faiths and eternally proselytizing; conversions can be willing or by the sword.


Insular and passed only along family lines. They may trace their roots back to a common ancestor or tribe.


It simply is. Everyone in the region possesses the same beliefs. To question them is seen as bizarre or upsetting.


Passive and proselytizing. Worshippers may see themselves as martyrs, or simply trying to rise above the violent world around them.


Secretive and practiced only in private. Perhaps it is practiced alone, or in secluded locations.


The faith is based upon blood, pain, and sacrifice. Such sacrifices may be viewed as maintaining existence itself.


Preoccupied with morbidity and death. The faithful see themselves as having one foot in the grave already.


Revealed through prophecy, visions and other forms of divination. Beliefs are mutable, and ultimately open to interpretation.


What kind of afterlife do they believe is awaiting them?


Gloomy and grey, a mere shadow of what life was.


A paradise. The garden of delights is opened upon death.


Much like their old existence. Farmers farm, warriors make war, and life merely goes on.


It is not seen as important. Life is for living, death will wait until it comes.


The place in the ever after must be achieved. Those of virtue are sent to a paradise, the wicked are sent to a place of punishment.


How is this faith honored?


Through word and deed. Support of other worshippers is required.


With large civic ceremonies. Magnates may oversee the process, but it could just as easily be hereditary in nature.


Small groups led by charismatic individuals are seen as ideal for the cultivation of the soul.


An austere faith, asceticism is seen as the highest virtue.


Ceremonies are led by a traditional head of household, whether that be an elder or a favored gender.

    Thanks for reading folks! I really appreciate it.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Wooden Ships and Iron Folk -- A watercraft generator


"Twas a wonderful craft,

She was rigged fore and aft, and oh how the wild winds blowed her,

She stood several blasts, she had twenty-three masts, and they called her the Irish Rover."

    Why stay on a single continent throughout a game? There's royalty to save, treasure to plunder, and piracy to be done. Without a sea-worthy vessel, how can any of this derring-do possibly be accomplished? From biremes and triremes, to sloops and schooners, the variety of ships, and the purposes they serve are vast. Whatever form they take, these ships and boats can find a home in nearly any setting.

    To use this table, roll 4d8 and consult the relevant tables below. As per usual, I have done my best to keep the results general in nature.


How big is it?


Tiny. Perhaps just a canoe, faering, or dinghy. Piloted by a "crew" of 2-6.


Small. This vessel could be a war canoe, knarr, or dhow. 6-30 crew.


Mid-Sized. A longship, cog, junk, or sloop. A crew of 30-120.


Large. The craft could be a frigate, treasure ship, or galleon. A crew of 120-350.


Huge. A vessel like a 1st or 2nd rate ship of the line, freighter or battleship. 350-900 souls are required for a ship of this size.


Titanic. These behemoths encompass ships such as aircraft carriers or super freighters. A veritable floating town, more than 900 people are necessary to crew it.


What is it used for?










Roll twice and ignore this result. The combination is the vessel's purpose


What is the crew like?


Salty dogs. Practically a parody.


A pack of thieves, pirates and ne'er-do-wells.


Press-ganged into service. They are miserable and their officers strict.


A family, community, or other close group with shared intimacies.


Hard-bitten, serious soldiers. Even if they are not on a warship, they are likely in the navy.


Incompetent and out of their depth. They could have stolen the ship, or are refugees.


What is unique about the vessel?


The vessel is accursed. Perhaps the crew are undead, or damned to never leave their ship.


A legendary ship, it's reputation causes hope or dread by sight alone.


Something of staggering value is being kept in the hold.


The craft is carrying some important personage or the crew is aware of some vital fact.


Blessed by a sea god or darker power, the ship cannot sink no matter how damaged.


The crew is from some distant or lost land. Their motives and tongue are a mystery.


It was crafted by some being(s) of great power, and it will never lose it's way.


It is adrift, the crew vanished and no signs of violence upon it's hull.

All art is the property of it's respective owners and will be taken down at their request.

As always folks, thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Guess Who's Coming to Kill You? -- An Assassin Generator


Source is Sergey Krutskikh

"'Cause at the end of the day, as long as there's two people left alive on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead." - The Sniper, Team Fortress 2

        There's always a need for lurking threats in any game. Players tend to step on a lot of toes and make a lot of enemies in the process. Some will undoubtedly wish to hunt them down and try to kill them on their own, or hire others to do the job for them. While their methods may have broadened due to being in a fantasy setting, there's still not ever a shortage of people willing to murder others for a petty reason or a paycheck.

        To use this generator, simply roll 4d8 and consult the tables below. As usual, I have tried to do my best to keep these tables as general as possible in order to support the broadest amount of setting I could.


What did the PCs do?


Wrong place, wrong time. They saw something they shouldn't have.


Nothing. They are being targeted for kicks.


The survivors or victims of wrongdoing on their part are getting even.


Spoke up about some hot button issue and offended some local elite.


Stood in the way of someone enriching themselves.


Became the subjects of some prophecy. Their deaths will supposedly stop or fulfill it.


This is a case of mistaken identity. Roll again, ignoring this result. The second roll represents reason for the target's death.


What's the killer like?


A consummate professional. Methodical, deadly, and fully embracing dirty tactics.


Barely restrained in their rage. They favor brutal ambushes and attempt to spread terror.


Doubting their course in life. While skilled, their heart isn't in it anymore.


Seemingly incompetent or harmless. They use this to catch their targets off-guard.


A butcher. Violence isn't just a tool, it is pleasurable or amusing to them.


Dead-eyed. There is nothing here. Just a vehicle for dealing death.


Fanatical. They kill for a higher cause, real or imagined.


Cheerfully amoral. It is as if this is all a sort of sick game to them.


How do they carry out their killings?


Old-fashioned violence, whether that be conventional or magical.


Poison, disease, or other indirect methods.


Summoned or enslaved creatures.


Traps, in the form of mechanical devices, or "accidents" using the environment.


Curses, hexes, or other dire enchantments that cause bad luck.


What is unique about them?


They hail from a distant or distinct culture and are more obvious as a result.


Whether simply proud, or unable to stop themselves, they leave calling cards behind.


The killer is an undead, or some other unholy creature.


Their reputation precedes them. The PCs may find it more difficult to find aid.


There isn't only one assassin, but rather a small group.


Some mystical ritual or enchantment binds the killer to the PCs. They know where they are.


The assassin has bribed locals to quietly observe and report the PCs comings and goings.


An oath has been sworn. The killer cannot break it and must be relentless.

All art is the property of it's respective owners and will be taken down at their request.

Thanks for reading folks!~