Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Those Faiths Which Bind -- a Religion generator.

"Give me that old time religion,

Give me that old time religion,

Give me that old time religion,

It's good enough for me." - The Fisk Jubilee Singers

        In most D&D settings the existence of the divine is usually a given. While I can think of a few exceptions—namely Dragonlance and Dark Sun—the rule is generally that clerics derive their abilities from the patronage of a deity, or from some sort of philosophical path. Though clerics are a standby of modern fantasy fiction, the number of beliefs and the ways in which they are followed can be endless. While most settings are focused upon gods, there are numerous alternatives in the form of animism or more abstract paths to spiritual wellbeing. 

        As a brief aside, while this generator is fairly similar to my one focusing on Cults, I feel the distinction between the two is one of generalized acceptance by a society at large.

        To use this generator, simply roll 4d8 and then consult the relevant tables below. I have done my best to not hew too close to magical explanations.


What sort of faith do they hold to?


Monotheism. Only one god is thought to exist, all others are false.


Polytheism. Many gods, many temples. Worshippers flow freely from deity to deity, priests do not.


Henotheism. Many gods may exist, but the supreme god dwells above all others. Why worship a lesser power?


All is of one nature and substance. Any perceived divisions are merely illusions.


Atheism. The gods may exist, but their divinity is denied or their worthiness questioned.


A path of Enlightenment. Less of a traditional faith, this is a means to transcend the travails of daily life.


Animism and/or Ancestor worship. There are spirits everywhere. They dwell all around us, and we are merely a section of existence.


Syncretic. Roll twice after this result—the first roll represents what the religion is presented to outsiders as, the second roll is the truth to worshippers.


What is their church like?


Hostile to other faiths and eternally proselytizing; conversions can be willing or by the sword.


Insular and passed only along family lines. They may trace their roots back to a common ancestor or tribe.


It simply is. Everyone in the region possesses the same beliefs. To question them is seen as bizarre or upsetting.


Passive and proselytizing. Worshippers may see themselves as martyrs, or simply trying to rise above the violent world around them.


Secretive and practiced only in private. Perhaps it is practiced alone, or in secluded locations.


The faith is based upon blood, pain, and sacrifice. Such sacrifices may be viewed as maintaining existence itself.


Preoccupied with morbidity and death. The faithful see themselves as having one foot in the grave already.


Revealed through prophecy, visions and other forms of divination. Beliefs are mutable, and ultimately open to interpretation.


What kind of afterlife do they believe is awaiting them?


Gloomy and grey, a mere shadow of what life was.


A paradise. The garden of delights is opened upon death.


Much like their old existence. Farmers farm, warriors make war, and life merely goes on.


It is not seen as important. Life is for living, death will wait until it comes.


The place in the ever after must be achieved. Those of virtue are sent to a paradise, the wicked are sent to a place of punishment.


How is this faith honored?


Through word and deed. Support of other worshippers is required.


With large civic ceremonies. Magnates may oversee the process, but it could just as easily be hereditary in nature.


Small groups led by charismatic individuals are seen as ideal for the cultivation of the soul.


An austere faith, asceticism is seen as the highest virtue.


Ceremonies are led by a traditional head of household, whether that be an elder or a favored gender.

    Thanks for reading folks! I really appreciate it.

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