The selection of a campaign defining threat is a tricky thing. If the issue is unassailable, the PCs are likely to feel as if a deus ex machina has been pulled off upon their behalf if they defeat or stymie it. Too weak, and the players may feel as if they've been robbed, or that the threat wasn't equal to their abilities. Many GMs opt for a big bad and dragon set up, but the issue there is that it can come off as trite, especially considering a setting in which Power Word: Kill exists. Organizations or factions are more believable and flexible, since they can survive the deaths of individual members. For the setting I use at my home table, I chose rats. Evil, intelligent ones: the humble Cranium Rat.
First introduced as antagonists for the Planescape setting, Cranium Rats are in short psionically active rats that grow more intelligent the more of them that are in close proximity to each other. A handful of cranium rats aren't much more clever than normal rats, but an average sized warren has the intellect of a genius--and the spellcasting abilities to match. Normally a relatively minor threat, cranium rats can quickly become a destabilizing influence on a region if left unchecked.
Volmusia is a relative backwater, known more for it's amber and timber than anything else. Conceived of as a westmarches style game, this article presents a number of locations that serve as the primary quest line with regard to the local cranium rats, known as the The Chittering Chorus.
Community: Sans Souci
Population: 250, Mixed (50% Human, 30% Dwarves, 20%
Major Industries: Fishing, Off-putting Chanting, Timber
Civilized, Docks, Defensible (Walls),
Contested (Cult
of the Night Below & The
Chittering Chorus), Possession
(Corantine Empire),
Personages (Gossuthia,
Saundra Galacia, Helie de Saint-George)
north and west of Ambershore Watch
for nearly a week and a half along the coast will bring you to the
only other Corantine
possession in this region of Volmusia.
It doesn't get a lot of visitors, even though it is closer than
Ambershore Watch. The reason
is simple, Sans Souci is uninviting as hell. The locals
make sure any unfortunate visitors to their town feel as unwelcome
and ostracized as possible, freezing any foolish enough out to settle
in the area - if they don't sacrifice them outright in some ritual to
Gossuthia. It had been
like this for decades, Sans Souci was
one of the only places to escape relatively unscathed when the
Burning-Tree Confederacy
forced most of the Corantinian population
from the region, but they had never been a player in regional
politics to begin with, given that they had served an entirely
different master than those around them. Back when the town was
founded centuries before, several bad winters had reduced the
inhabitants to absolute privation, and having no clerics or other
holy folk in the area, they couldn't even beseech the Gods for aid.
Instead, Gossuthia
heard, and answered their prayers; it was easy to provide for the
citizens of the town with it's powers, and soon it had them utterly
dependent on it for survival.
Saundra Galacia |
Using It's pull on the town,
Gossuthia soon had them actively
worshipping it, swelling it with mystic power beyond it's dreams. The
Cult of the Night Below was born
during that time, and it has been going strong amongst the
inhabitants (and beyond) since that point. The worshippers dress in
robes the colors of the sea, and they perform bloody rites during the
zenith of both the sun & moon, throwing the bodies of the victims
into the sea to show their devotion to the horrors that their
oblations have attracted. The system was disrupted by the arrival of
a shipment, one that had passed through the illicit docks
of Port de Chardons,
and along with it came the Cranium Rats. Quickly sensing something
deeply amiss as they read the thoughts of the inhabitants, The
Chittering Chorus has decided
that for their own continued safety they must wrest control of the
inhabitants from Gossuthia.
A violent, if subtle, war erupted between the psychically dominated
inhabitants and the Night Below
traditionalists, leaving several dozen of the citizens dead and the
rest of the town with massive gaps in their memories. The psychically
dominated members of the community led by Helie de
Saint-George (Fighter 7/ Rogue
1) retreated to the Saint-George
Manse on the edge of
the town and plotted their next move. The Cultists of the
Night Below, led by Saundra
Galacia (Warlock 8) have let the
town settle into an easy détente, worried that if they were to simply
storm the Manse they
would attract too much attention and give their existence away to the
greater world.
Helie de Saint-George |
While the cause of the oddness of the places is unknown, the general
eeriness of the place has been well-established locally. Any one who
makes even the most casual of inquiries to merchants who have been
there will be told to stay away.
Both Helie and Saundra are paranoid of outsiders,
constantly doubting their intentions and wondering if they have
secretly been sent by the other. Dealing with them rationally will
be quite difficult.
Years of neglect, isolation & madness have taken their toll on
the town, and the whole place looks liable to go up in flames or be
washed away by the sea. The occasional fires are easy to fix, and
the inhabitants feel that it keeps outsiders away.
& More: Sans Souci
has never been a wealthy place, the closest they have to a noble
patron are the mad members of the Saint-George
family, and they were nothing more than up-jumped Corantinian
pirates. Regardless, the two cults have centralized their wealth in
the Saint-George Manse
in the case of the Chittering Chorus
or in the caves of the Starless Cove
in the case of the Cult of the Night Below.
The accumulated wealth of the Manse
would be worth about 4,500gp, if they were to somehow carry off a
bunch of statues and paintings.
Community: Port de Chardons
Population: 450
Major Industries: Piracy, Fishing
Barren, Defensible,
Docks, Possession ( Red
Slit-Eye, Starry Night, Mother Lode & Timberaxe Pirate Gangs),
Personages (Chaga
The Witch, Treasure Trove, Gold Teeth, Rotvald the Mad, Sek, Seranto,
Teloric, Haypenny), Monsters (The
Chittering Chorus, Rat-Slaves)
notorious pirate haven, Port de Chardons
is located nearly a week's sail to the north-west of Ambershore
Watch and while condemned by
both the local and regional governments, the two communities have a
brisk trade between their locales. Located upon the nearly lifeless
island of Lappsala,
the town itself it built a half-mile away from the docks on a rocky
plain, with cliffs surrounding the settlement on two sides and rude
stone walls protecting the other sides. Built primarily of crudely
hewn stone and timber that was either stolen or recycled from
scuttled ships, Port de Chardons
is a pretty sorry sight - but there is more to it than initially
meets the eyes. Due to the huge amount of Dwarven refugees from the
eruption of the Dolche Range,
a lot of the sturctures of the town are tunneled directly into the
limestone that makes up the majority of the island of Lappsala.
The majority of the buildings in the town are built underground in
such a way, and one of the gangs, The Motherlode,
keep all of their members in this way, having honey-combed the
natural caves near the docks with even more to suit their needs.
Wharf Rats of Chardon |
mixed of a place it could be, it was significantly better before the
arrival of The Chittering Chorus
arrived. The group of Cranium Rats from the stars quickly began to
take control of one of the pre-existing pirate gangs by psychically
dominating their captains and then removing any memory of their
meddling. Using their knowledge of shipping routes, and their ability
to smugle themselves onto any ship of their choosing, they have
amassed an impressive pile of hidden booty, which they use to further
their own expansion. The always paranoid Chorus
has already begun to make in-roads onto the mainland, shipping
themselves en masse to Sans Souci &
Maison de Glace as a
back-up to their domination of Port de Chardons.
The main thing frustration to the Rats and their servants is the
tendrils of Gossuthia
and it's cult, the war has resulted in a huge turn-over of minions on
both sides. The contention originally started as the Rats moved
inland, coming into conflict over control of the inhabitants of Sans
Souci with the Cult of
the Night Below.
The Rats are extremely paranoid, regularly reading the surface
thoughts of any visitors to the town. If they detect anything, they
will begin to move against the interlopers
None of the pirates within the Starry Night are aware of the
fact that their gang has been infiltrated by psychic rats, but if
they were to somehow be cleansed they would remember much of what
has transpired.
The pirates intentionally attack ships headed to Maison de Glace,
rather than Ambershore Watch out of a belief that they
locals will be less likely to respond if they are spared. They've
been right in that belief so far.
& More: The amount of money that the various pirate gangs (along
with that of the Chittering
Chorus) have collected
is staggering, easily 15,000gp or more in various forms. Most of it
however is under heavy lock and key, or simply hidden somewhere near
to the island, generally some gods-forsaken finger of land close by.
Community: The Retreat of
the Troupe/Stone Teeth Town
Population: 1360 (94% Cranium Rats, 6% Quaggoth)
Major Industries: Pointless Trade
Unsafe, Possession (The
Lurking Troupe, Stone Teeth Tribe),
Personages (Rell,
Tenj, Vada, Yuve, The Lurking Troupe)
Monsters (Cranium
Rats, Quaggoth)
The newest settlement in the Mushroom Forest, the town known
as Stone Teeth Town is only a scant few months old and
wider knowledge of it hasn't been disseminated into the wider region
yet. Visitors to the town are greeted by a surreal and unnerving
spectacle: Quaggoth crudely imitating a surface settlement,
complete with clothing, dwellings and even a few shops which sell odd
replications of surface goods. The bestial Quaggoth, while not
unintelligent and often powerful Mystics, are not known for
organizing into anything larger than extended family groups that
generally consist of no more than a dozen members. Experienced
underground travelers would find the entire display to be utterly
baffling and grow rightly suspicious. The formidable creatures have
been dominated en masse by a rogue thought-hive of cranium rats
known as the Lurking Troupe and are being used as a test
run for their theories. The Chorus does not tolerate
discordant tunes being sung and the rodents which would eventually
make up the thought-hive were exiled due to their strangely
cooperative views when it came to other intelligent beings. The
Lurking Troupe believe that the Chorus' current plan of
aggressive expansionism is going to eventually lead them to square
off with an enemy too powerful for even their mental abilities, or
even worse than that it could attract the attention of the Baatezu
and land them back in Dis. Significantly more given to
partnership with humanoids than domination and extermination, the
Troupe hope to craft an approach in which they can live in
symbiosis with others, to use them as a shield and a shell with which
under to hide.
Searching the area for creatures which would be
capable of meeting the threats that they were liable to face
underground, preferably with psionic natures similar to their own.
The Quaggoth were perfect for this task in every way except
for their violent and anti-social natures, a problem which was easily
(if somewhat coarsely) rectified by the cranium rats through
judicious use of their mind-warping talents. Having only a few
examples of organized groups outside of their own, the rats decided
that it would be expedient to simply imitate the humans of Sans
Souci and the rathbuni, given that they were both a great
deal more peaceful and quiet than the often cannibalistic deep
bears. Raiding the surface for the necessary materials, the
Troupe soon had their "community" clothed and living
within approximations of surface fashions & dwellings, adopting
surnames and fake professions to better complete the attempted
illusion. Fresh meat is brought in from the surface or warped in
magically, supplemented by attacking either Skum or Chorus
patrols for additional fodder. The Stone Teeth Tribe is
one of the largest in the history of the Quaggoth species,
citing nearly a hundred members to their name. This is only possible
due to the influence of the Troupe so far, but they hive-mind
hopes that within a generation or two they will have largely
"domesticated" the beings under their control and will no
longer have to police them for cannibalistic urges or other
anti-social behaviors. For their part the Stone Teeth consider
themselves to have attracted the direct attentions of a whimsical,
powerful and capricious deity who seems to delight in teaching them
ways that they consider to be taboo, confusing and devilishly
effective. The vermin that surround them are seen as representatives
of that god and it is forbidden to harm or eat them. The current
chieftain of the tribe is an especially ferocious thonoth
specialized in biokinetics by the name of Vada.
While initially a skeptic, Vada has become one of the most
ardent followers of the Troupe, regularly proselytizing to the
other tribe members on their behalf and destroying those who still
question the new order. Other notable members of the community
include the town's "blacksmith" who goes by the name of
Tenj, a town crier by the name of Rell and a young
female named Yuve runs something charitably called a bar.
Vada |
town itself consists of little more than a large limestone cave with
a great deal of speleothems. A number of rude wooden huts have been
built from scavenged materials for the deep bears to
live in, while holes have been chewed into the cave
walls and floors to house the Lurking Troupe. Purposefully
isolated, Stone Teeth Town is located underneath the eastern
edge of the Rainwood, a few days east of where Aedui
Village would be above ground and about three days down into the
Unlike their fellows in the Chorus, the Troupe are
liable to keep themselves hidden and will try to divine outsider's
intentions by reading surface thoughts and invading their dreams. It
is entirely possible to work with them long-term as long as you
treat with them honestly. They want the usual things, psychic might,
Quaggoth, juicy gossip.
In addition to their fierce Quaggoth servants, the Troupe
has also dominated a pack of Bulettes. The landsharks are
generally used to maintain or enlarge the cave system that the
village is situated in, but they are also handy for defense. There
are ten of the creatures in total and they live underneath the tow
itself, in the same warrens as the vermin.
Treasure & More: The Cranium Rats and Quaggoth
understand that money can be exchanged for goods and services,
they don't necessarily grasp the logic which underlies the value
placed upon it. Thus it's possible to be charged wildly different
prices for the same goods, depending on when or the way in which one
asks. Most of the goods which the Quaggoth have stockpiled are
simply stolen from caravans from the surface, so the quality tends to
be vary wildly. Conversely, they have more stolen currency than they
could ever feasibly spend and are more than willing to trade for
better goods.
Area: The Chorus' Redoubt
Hostile, Enchanted (Psychic
Possession (The
Chittering Chorus),
Monsters (Cranium
Rats, Various Dominated Creatures),
Personage (The
Chittering Chorus)
Home to the group of interplanar
refugees known as the Chittering
Chorus, a group of
Cranium Rats responsible
for large-scale disruptions of the political landscape of The
Mushroom Forest and
The Chorus' Redoubt
appeared in the area
only within the last two years, the twisted knots of oddly textured
miles of caves that they now call their home was hollowed out by the
rat's collective power and the efforts of hundreds of psionic slaves.
Appearing suddenly from a portal that they had torn open to escape
their enslavement in the Iron
City of Dis on the
second layer of Baator,
the Cranium
Rats found themselves on
a pirate vessel from Port
de Chardons known as the
Merry Miser.
The Chorus
only had a few dozen members at that point, so instead of outright
domination they nudged the crew to run the ship aground near the
northwestern corner of Volmusia
near the dying sea-side town of Sans
Souci The Chorus
moved underground after a desperate landing
and their subsequent
attempted infestation of St.George
Manor was discovered by
members of the Cult of
the Night Below. Unwilling
to risk direct confrontation with the Cult
and Gossuthia
while they were still relatively weak and ignorant of the local area,
they migrated the majority of their numbers down into the Mushroom
Forest below.
little time, the rats began to aggressively move to solidify their
grip over their new home, driving away or exterminating any creatures
not vulnerable to domination by the Choruses
psychic might. Their
sudden insertion into the politics of the subterranean realm has left
the rest of the Mushroom
Forest unable to
formulate any real response to them yet. The Cranium
Rats are mystically
potent, adaptable and their numbers have exploded as they breed and
send out mental calls to the local vermin, who are then captured and
converted through an eldritch process into yet more members of the
Even individually the rodents are smart and stealthy enough that
rat-catchers or exterminators fail to blunt the threat they pose as
they move into an area. The mischief quickly grows in severity to
their numbers as key members of the polity are mind-controlled into
destructive or otherwise subversive acts, merchants are terrorized
into leaving the area and finally mind-controlled underdark denizens
colloquially known as hive-souled
begin to attack with unnerving coordination. Communities so affected
generally tear themselves apart through civil conflict or riots as
their conditions steadily worsen. Some manage to find countermeasures
in the form of mindless servants such as constructs, or simply render
themselves immune or resistant to the the psychic whispers enough
that that they can forestall the beasts.
The Chittering Chorus |
Several polities have fallen
in this manner already, most notably a Rathbuni
village known as N'Kai's
Embrace and a pair of
Quiet Caravans were
claimed before the threat the new creatures posed was understood.
Most surviving communities have simply fled from the northwestern
edge of the Forest that
the rats now call home, but some like the hardy hearty myconids or the Skum
of the Cult
of the Night Below continue
to battle the Chorus even
on their own turf. The motives of the Chittering
Chorus are relatively
simple: to build a place that will be their own, free from outside
threats and with nearly inexhaustible resources. All of the Chorus'
actions are bent towards this goal, their aggressive expansionism,
slave taking and resource hoarding are merely facets of their overall
plan to create a sub-plane capable of holding a near-infinite number
of their species. To achieve their flight the Chorus
requires not only
psychic might, but a means through which to focus that might into
carving themselves out a place permanently their own. To this end,
the Chorus needs
eldritch knowledge and a critical mass of collective psychic power
brought on through tens of thousands of their number working in
concert. The rats are willing to work with outsiders to achieve their goals, though they tend to prefer domination to cooperation (given
their traumatic experiences with the Baatezu)
and must be convinced that their "allies" are better suited
with their wills intact than being mind-blanked by the cranium rats.
Even if they are convinced to stay their hands, they are harsh
taskmasters and arrogant to boot, expecting nothing less than results
and capitulation.
If the full attention of the Chorus
is put onto any group of
individuals smaller than fifty without some sort of psychic
shielding, there is essentially no way to resist their powers.
Physically the area that the Chorus
live in is wildly
dissimilar to those around it. The walls, floors and ceilings have
all been stuffed with mounds of trash, spoiled food and the remains
of fallen rats, slaves & enemies, which give the walls a soft and
spongy texture that traps heat and renders the environment unusually
muggy and humid. The rat's nest resonates sympathetically with
psychic power and when large concentrations of the Chorus
are near or potent
mystical abilities are used within proximity to it will sometimes miscast or act strangely. The
tunnels themselves seem to lack any rhyme or reason to minds which
cannot take them as a whole, they switch back on themselves multiple
times, or cross paths at odd or difficult angles, resembling nothing so much as a pile of noodles tossed casually against the
wall. If their tunnels were taken as a whole and somehow mapped, they
would bear a remarkable resemblance to a cluster of neurons. The
Chorus' Redoubt is
only a relatively short distance from the northwestern shore of
only three days away from the sea and four days travel underground.
Many of the entrances to the Redoubt
can only be used by
Visions of the enslavement still
haunt the collective memories of the Chorus,
their response to any hint of fiendish magic (or worse, summoned
creatures) will be one of abject fear, followed by an overwhelmingly
violent response.
Use of psychic powers in the Redoubt is inadvisable to say
the least, as already stated, the area empowers all uses of a
Mystic's abilities (as well as similarly psychic-themed abilities)
at the cost of directly bringing the full attentions of the
Chittering Chorus to bear on the intruder.
The number of dominated slaves that the rats have at their disposal
fluctuates wildly depending on whether or not they've been recently
attacked, or have successfully raided another community. Typically
there are about a few dozen in the immediate area, with up to a
couple of hundred spread out in work-gangs to expand or upkeep the
cave system.
Treasure & More:
Incalculable wealth has been packed into great mounds of trash and
rotting corpses. Every half-hour of searching will yield 10d100 gp in
assorted coins, jewels and precious objects. The rats have also
managed to acquire several magic items, notably